Why Change Management

Article written by: Austin Watene

Why is Change Management needed?

Organisations are continuously transforming, and Change Management is critical for every transformation.  Change Management helps to facilitate the seamless transition from the old way of doing things to the new.  The X4MIS Change Management Methodology provides a model to assist teams and organisations in realising the benefits of their change.   

Effective Change Management processes help ensure the acceptance and adoption of the new way.  Applied effectively, it ensures employees can comprehend the shift, commit to it, and perform well in the new world.  Without Change Management, transitions can be challenging to deliver and expensive in terms of wasted time and resources.  Additionally, ineffective change can hinder the development of competent skills and impair staff morale.  A poor Change Management strategy may result in the organisation’s failure.

What are the benefits?

Change doesn't happen overnight, nor do the benefits associated with change.  Depending on the scale of the organisation or the change team, it can take time to process and fully realise the benefits.  Effective Change Management will:

  • Drive results, outcome accomplishments, and benefits realisation - significant data and experience suggest that effective Change Management creates higher benefit realisation, results and outcome accomplishment. Developing your Change Management competencies will increase the chances of success on important projects and initiatives.

  • Improve the speed and quantity of change - given the frequency of change that occurs in businesses today, improving change implementation skills is crucial.

  • Address the costs of improperly managed change - many businesses have examples, or even a heritage, of improperly handled changes that did not provide the desired results, adding stress and uncertainty inside the company.  Under-delivering on change is not acceptable.

  • Help align organisational practice with organisational goals - this is especially pertinent for businesses that define and uphold the importance of their vision and values to their employees.

  • Build the Change Management skills - Modern managers and employees are expected to possess fundamental organisational and personal competencies in Change Management.

Free On-Line Change Management Methodology​ that enables individuals and organisations, especially those previously without access to effective change management programmes, to deliver more effective community and country programmes which improve prosperity and save lives.

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