This Content Was Created and Written By:  PESTO

Read the original article on PESTO  - Link here

X4MIS is systems agnostic, we have no relationship with Presto nor any other platform.  However, we believe Presto could be a valuable tool for some organisations to manage their transformation programmes.

Stop Losing Valuable Know-How!

Capturing and making available company intellectual property can be much easier than you think. Most organisation simply don't know the correct steps to take which makes them take far longer than they need to achieving mediocre results. We've done all the hard work for you so all you need to do is follow our step-by-step blueprint! In this Webinar you will learn how to begin taking the necessary steps towards enhanced knowledge retention by leveraging your digital transformation program to eliminate ‘the forgetting curve’ in record time.

You won't just save time either. When you follow our advice closely, you also achieve higher employee engagement and morale than you would ever be able to achieve on your own.

50% Of What Your Staff Learn Will Be Lost Within 1 Hour Of Learning It Without The Right Support!

The roles involved in change management depend on numerous factors, including the size and type of IT organization. Here are some of the most common positions.


Sadly, 45% of Business Operations will never reach their full digital potential and consequently their ability to retain and transfer knowledge will suffer greatly. It’s not their fault, they just haven't been taught how to capture and make available their portfolio of intellectual property and operational readiness assets to a sustainable cloud-based business model. It doesn't have to be this way for you though.

We will show you exactly what we do to assist clients of all sizes to eliminate their dependency on off-line information, increase knowledge retention among their staff via active repetition while teaching a true culture of continuous improvement at all levels of their organisation.

Reserve your ticket today in this one-time-only joint Webinar to see how you can achieve a similar result, and do it much faster than you ever thought was possible.

Save Yourself YEARS Of Costly Trial & Error By Using Our Blueprint To Stabilise & Support Your Long-Term Knowledge Retention Program

Why waste years struggling along, trying to figure things out for yourself? You can save this time and get a much better result when you use our blueprint to build your digital continuous improvement program one-step-at-a-time. It’s like a shortcut which gives you increased productivity, lower risk, higher quality and increased employee engagement.

Are you ready to stop losing valuable know while enriching staff training in your business operations in the shortest time possible? Is your company prepared to have more time and flexibility through a resilient workforce without the years of hard work it usually takes? 

Please note the link above is a download for a PDF

Free On-Line Change Management Methodology​ that enables individuals and organisations, especially those previously without access to effective change management programmes, to deliver more effective community and country programmes which improve prosperity and save lives.

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